Summer Shorts: The Conclusion to Scottie Scheffler’s Visit to Kentucky

This Week …

  1. Summer Shorts: The Latest in the Kentucky Golf Soap Opera

    The summer sun is back with an invitation to chill out! The EO Report will publish “Summer Shorts Edition” with brief(er) content.

  2. Before We Go …

1. What Now in Kentucky?

Charges against Scottie Scheffler have been dropped!

The saga quickly went from this…

  • Louisville Metro Police Department Chief Jacquelyn Gwinn-Villaroel said, “We respect the judicial process … and we will allow the courts to proceed.”  

…to this:

  • Louisville Public Media:

    Jefferson County Attorney Mike O’Connell asked a judge Wednesday afternoon to drop the four charges against Scottie Scheffler, who was not required to be in the courtroom. The prosecutor said his team reviewed the case in a “thorough and expeditious manner.”

    “Based upon the totality of the evidence, my office cannot move forward in the prosecution of the charges filed against Mr. Scheffler," O'Connell said during the hearing that lasted less than 10 minutes. "Mr. Scheffler’s characterization that this was ‘a big misunderstanding’ is corroborated by the evidence.”

What did the arresting officer, Brian Gillis, have to say about the charges getting dropped? Glad you asked, because he released a statement (below). Please do not miss the P.S.

We have more questions than answers on this one:

  • Sometimes it is better to say nothing:

    • Why is Gillis releasing a statement at all? Did the police department know? Did they help him? Is it ever a good idea to use the word “freaking” in an official statement? Can we see that Gillis has, in some way, enjoyed the limelight with the “famous pants” comment?

  • Different Jobs, But …

    • The police department and the prosecutor have different jobs. But, was it possible for the police department to get an idea from the prosecutor that it was likely the charges would be dropped before the police and mayor did a press conference supporting the charges and pressing forward? (Maybe this wasn’t possible.)

Bottom Line:

  • Scheffler’s clear and consistent crisis communications helped maintain his positive reputation throughout this ordeal and probably helped create the environment to faciliate the decision to drop the charges.

  • We will keep an eye on the possible aftermath for the Louisville Police Department. There is certain to be more behind-the-scenes outtakes coming.

2. Before We Go…

  • Do you want to see inside the file cabinets of James Patterson (pictured below) and Michael Crichton?

See you next week …


Summer Shorts: A Spotlight on Billboards


Remembering the Reason for Memorial Day