Clarity Rating: OPPD

The Clarity Rating measures effective communications on a scale of 1 to 5 using this criteria:

1: Blurry, Indistinct

2: Slightly Focused, Needs Adjustment

3: Moderately Focused, Fair Clarity

4: Well-Focused, High Clarity

5: Razor-Sharp Focus, Crystal Clear (Are we clear?)

On the Hot Seat: OPPD (Omaha Public Power District)

OPPD sent this email out to customers on Sunday afternoon when temperatures in the Omaha area dropped to -10.

This external communications receives 5 out 5 for:

  • Clear description of issue and consequences: “prevent the need for controlled outages.”

  • Specific ways to limit power to collectively help ease strain on power systems.

  • Clean layout with use of bullets for ease of reading.

  • Helpful public safety tips.

  • Easy to navigate resources and links.


    OPPD is asking customers to conserve energy today and for the next few days, due to cold temperatures causing an increased demand for electricity. Our teams are working around the clock to keep our system, and your home, safe and energized.

    High demand can put additional strain on our system. Our customers can help by taking the following steps to reduce our peak energy load across our service territory, which also helps balance supply and demand in the energy market. 

    Taking these easy steps not only benefits our customers, but our neighbors, during the ongoing deep chill: 

    ➡️ Lower your thermostat 2-4 degrees and dress warmer or use additional blankets to stay comfortable. You can reduce your energy usage by 1-3% for each degree.

    ➡️ Avoid Appliance Usage. Avoid using appliances like your washer, dryer or dishwasher — especially during peak usage times of 7 to 9 a.m. and 4 to 7 p.m. 

    ➡️ Unplug items not in use. Although this won’t save a lot of energy in one home alone, it will when thousands of homes work together.

    ➡️ Open curtains and blinds in direct sunlight. This will increase the heat gain in a room by as much as 5-7 degrees. This can help warm up a room instead of raising the temperature on the thermostat.

    ➡️ Turn lights off when possible and use natural lighting instead. LED light bulbs are very efficient, but every little bit of energy reduction counts when we work together.

    By taking these steps, you can help prevent the need for controlled outages. During cold weather and winter storm events it is important to prepare ahead of time for possible outages, below are some actions you can take right now.

    ➡️ Know where you are in relation to essential and emergency services.

    ➡️ Create a plan for your medical essentials and check on your neighbors that may have medical needs.

    ➡️ Stock up on water and nonperishable foods.

    ➡️ Keep your phone charged and consider alternative power sources.

    ➡️ Gather games and comforting items to help pass the time and stay warm.

    For outage information or to report an outage please visit you for your efforts.

    For more energy conservation information, visit

Nice job, OPPD!


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